Sunday 14 November 2010


The welfare system in Britain helps those that are unfortunate to lose their jobs or those that are most vulnerable in society, such as single parent families. The new reforms of the benefit system is supposed to make it a fairer system in order to prevent fraud, the main issues that arise are the fact that it will be not just the people that have been taken the welfare system for a ride that will lose out but those that are in the most difficult of situations. For example can you really expect a single parent who has young children or even children that need 24 hour care go out and get a job, a job that might not even suit them but is forced upon them with the threat that they will lose their only lifeline, their benefits. If you had a choice I believe that everyone would choose the option of looking after their children, being there for them when they most need it.
I do agree with the notion that some people do abuse the current system, living in houses that are paid for by the tax payer while their neighbours struggle to make ends meat with full time jobs. Is it really fair that the majority of people that claim benefits when they are in most need will lose out due to the ones that take it for granted?
The main issues are that such a move will, once in place, save money for the country as a whole, but are we looking at the full consequences of our actions before decisions are being made or are we making rash decisions in order to cut governmental spending. It is obvious that the government has been left in a difficult situation over its finances, but is it coming to a point whereby such decisions are being made solely on there monetary value, rather than looking at the long term progress of the nation.

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